化疗可能会在你入院的那天开始. 你的十大赌博平台排行榜会告诉你所有的药物和它们的副作用. Your nurse practitioner, inpatient nurse and pharmacist also will be available to answer questions. In addition, you may receive written information on these drugs in the consent form.
采取了一些预防措施以尽量减少这些药物的副作用. 例如, 当接受某些类型的化疗时, patients must shower thoroughly twice daily to remove the drug that is excreted through the skin to help prevent severe skin 皮疹. 住院护士会检查你可能需要采取的特别预防措施.
恶心是化疗药物最常见的副作用之一. Anti恶心想吐 medications will be given immediately before your chemotherapy starts and will continue around the clock until 24 to 48 hours after the last chemotherapy dose is completed. The health care team will constantly evaluate your response to your anti恶心想吐 drugs in an effort to keep your discomfort from 恶心想吐 to a minimum. 止吐药会使你感到疲倦, 所以在化疗期间你可能会比平时睡得更多. If you think you need more anti恶心想吐 medications, tell your nurse, pharmacist or doctor.
Usually, chemotherapy is given over the first two to eight days of the hospitalization.
一些患者在化疗的同时接受全身照射(TBI). Your clinic doctor will tell you if you are getting TBI when you discuss your treatment plan. This radiation therapy is intended to destroy remaining cancer cells and further suppress the immune system. The radiotherapy doctor will discuss the details of this treatment and its side effects with you.
TBI treatments are given in the radiotherapy department, usually over a period of three to four days. 治疗本身是无痛的, 但治疗后可能会有不舒服的副作用, 比如口腔和咽喉溃疡, 恶心想吐, 肠胃不适, 皮肤发红. 每次治疗前通常要服用止吐药以减轻恶心. 如有需要,将给予额外的药物.
The transplant will occur one to three days after your last chemotherapy dose or anytime after your last radiation dose. 移植当天称为第0天. 如果你愿意,你可以让你的家人陪在你身边.
移植程序 is similar to a simple 血 transfusion and will take place in your hospital room. The actual procedure takes approximately 45 minutes, depending on the volume of stem cells. 如果你正在接受骨髓,输注可能需要几个小时. 血液干细胞将通过你的中心静脉导管注入. 你的护士会检查你的血压, 温度, 呼吸和脉搏, 并注意是否有副作用.
通常没有副作用, 但偶尔患者可能会在口腔中感受到一种奇怪的味道, 发冷, 脸红, 恶心和呕吐, 头疼, 血压和呼吸的变化. 移植后的24小时内,您的尿液也可能呈淡红色. 如果你的尿液在这段时间后仍然是红色的,或者之后变成红色,告诉你的护士.
The body feels the effects of the chemotherapy or radiation about a week after transplantation. 当你的血液计数低时,你会感到疲劳. 你可能会觉得自己得了流感,可能不想做太多事情. 这将持续大约两周,并会随着你的血液计数的提高而减少. 你可能还会注意到其他一些症状.
经常出现食欲不振. Avoiding foods that cause discomfort or sometimes not discussing eating and food can help. 试着少吃一点,多吃一点——成为一个小口吃者. 吃你想吃的东西,不吃不吸引人的东西. 当你的血液计数好转时,你的食欲就会开始改善.
You will need to eat at least 1000 calories and drink one quart of fluid to be discharged. Your stomach may not have recovered sufficiently to do this until your neutrophil count is rising.
化疗, TBI and some medications may cause temporary changes in your sense of taste and sometimes your sense of smell. 许多病人说突然食物尝起来像纸或纸板. 随着味蕾开始恢复, 你可能会觉得食物太甜了, 太酸, 太咸或太苦取决于舌头的哪个区域首先恢复. Most patients find their sense of taste begins to recover by the second or third week after TBI or chemotherapy, 但完全恢复可能需要数月时间.
化疗, TBI and sometimes antibiotics may cause varying degrees of 恶心想吐 and/or vomiting. 十大赌博平台排行榜会给你开一些药物来控制恶心和呕吐. 你叫什么药就给什么药. 问你的护士是否需要止吐药.
有些食物,特别是热食物的气味,可能会增加恶心或呕吐. 如果发生这种情况, it is best to try to avoid these for several days and select only those foods which make you more comfortable, 比如冷的食物和饮料. 避免油腻的食物,少吃多餐,而不是多吃.
We do not recommend forcing yourself to eat when you are having 恶心和呕吐, 因为这通常会加重恶心和呕吐,并在以后引起问题, such as prolonged dislike of those foods because you associate them with feeling ill (food aversions).
饭后休息,保持头部微微抬高. 如果恶心严重, just drink small amounts of clear liquids every few minutes rather than a whole glass at one time.
Some of the medications may make you drowsy or make it difficult to focus your vision for several hours after administration. If visual changes persist let the nurse know, so that other potential reasons can be evaluated.
化疗后,你的口腔可能会变红变痛,牙龈可能会出血. 这被称为口腔炎或粘膜炎.
It is important to keep your mouth clean by brushing your teeth four times a day with your soft toothette and rinsing your mouth with a salt and soda solution, 醒着的时候,每两小时漱口一次. You will also be given an antifungal mouthwash called Amphotericin several times a day. Do not use commercial mouthwashes, as the alcohol in them may be painful to your sore mouth. 如果你的口腔太痛而无法刷牙,那就用盐/苏打水漱口.
如果口腔疼痛或牙龈出血,一定要告诉护士. It may be necessary to try other rinses or pain medications to make you more comfortable.
化疗、创伤性脑损伤和一些抗生素可能导致腹泻. 这会导致直肠周围的皮肤破裂和感染. 可采集粪便样本以排除感染引起腹泻的可能性.
有减少腹泻的药物, 面霜或坐浴可以缓解臀部周围的刺激. 如果你的臀部有任何不适,请告诉护士.
病人在十大赌博平台排行榜里睡眠困难并不罕见. 十大赌博靠谱网络平台治疗的十大赌博平台排行榜工作人员可能会不时打断您的休息. 如果你找不到足够的时间睡觉, ask your nurse to help arrange your schedule so that you will have some uninterrupted rest periods at night. 还可以服用安眠药. 白天尽量不要睡觉.
感染 is one of the most common complications when the neutrophil count is low during hospitalization. 然而, 白血球计数恢复正常后, 对感染的抵抗力仍在下降, partly due to the medications you will be receiving and partly due to the time it takes for your new immune system to grow. 这可能需要长达两年的时间. We will be monitoring the re-growth of your immune system and will notify you as your risk of infection decreases.
- 私人房间
- 限制访客的年龄和人数
- 特殊的饮食
- 病人离开房间时要戴口罩
- 个人卫生, 包括每天用抗菌肥皂洗澡和用化学刷进行口腔护理, 盐和苏打水冲洗, 护环和两性霉素漱口水
此外,还将使用抗生素来预防感染. You will continue to take them upon discharge from the hospital to help prevent infection.
感染可能发生在身体的任何部位. It is very important to report any signs or symptoms of an infection to your nurse or doctor. 体征和症状包括:
- 发冷和/或发烧
- 呼吸短促、咳嗽和咳痰(一种粘液样分泌物)
- 稀便、水样便或胃痛
- 水泡, 皮疹, 口腔溃疡, 导管部位出现溃疡或发红, 以及阴道或直肠周围的刺激或溃疡
- 头痛或颈部无法向前弯曲
- 喉咙痛、吞咽困难或疼痛、牙痛和耳痛
- 排便或排尿时疼痛
- An infected hangnail or skin around the toenails or fingernails, including any redness or swelling
When infection is suspected, your doctor will order specimens to be collected and cultured. 这些可能包括尿液样本, 血, 痰和大便, 你喉咙里的棉签, 直肠, 导管部位和任何可疑的皮肤破损. 你也会有 胸部x光片 采取. 可能会给予额外的抗生素药物来对抗疑似感染.
脱发通常发生在化疗或脑外伤后一到两周. 这是暂时的,头发还会再长出来. We recommend shaving or cutting your hair very short to prevent itching when there is hair loss.
住院期间不建议戴假发, 因为它们不能被正确地清洗, 但你可能想在出院后买一顶假发或假发. 这些是免税的医疗费用. 一些医疗保险包括这些费用.
- 下一个: 血液计数和输血
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加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.